Some Physico-Chemical Properties Of Prepared Metallic Soap-Driers Of Aluminium, Copper And Zinc
Metallic soaps of Al, Cu, and Zn were prepared from sodium soaps of palm kernel oil by precipitation titrimetry at the following pH values: Aluminium (5.50-4.10), Copper at (7.00-4.40) and Zinc (6.70-5.30). Physical characteristics of the driers indicated melting points of 115 0C for Al, 100 0C for Cu and 110 0C for Zn and percentage metal contents of 7.09, 3.60 and 2.20 for the 3 respective metals. Solubility tests showed that they are soluble in non-polar organic solvents and insoluble in water and polar organic solvents.
KeyWords: Driers, Water Insoluble Metallic Soaps, surface Coatings, Melting point.