Seasonal Influence On microbial Quality Of Water Sources In Some Rural Communities Of Zaria, Nigeria


  • Hassan A. S. Department of Biological Sciences, Kaduna State University


This work examined fifteen (15) different water sources in some rural communities of Zaria, Nigeria for microbial index of water quality in relation to seasonal influence from June, 2005 to May, 2006. The microbiological quality indices indicated widespread fecal contamination with the on-set of rainy season Escherichia coli MPN-index indicated highly significant difference between seasons, stations, season by stations and year by stations (P<0.01). The microbial quality of the water sources located near point sources of fecal contamination (pit latrine, sanitary drainage) raised some points of concern particularly during the rainy season when the water sources become extensively contaminated. Such contamination, coupled with the corresponding high temperature associated with tropical waters, and poor hygiene stand as potential indicators for pathogenic transmission.

Author Biography

Hassan A. S., Department of Biological Sciences, Kaduna State University

Head and Senior Lecturer, Department of Biological Sciences




